
Facial cleansing


Welcome to Cannadusa: Your Online Marketplace for Facial-Cleansing

care we loveAt Cannadusa, we are proud to present our specialized category for facial cleansing. As your trusted online marketplace, we understand the importance of effective and gentle cleansing as the foundation of every skincare routine. Therefore, we have compiled an exclusive selection of cleansing products specifically designed to deeply cleanse your skin and give it a radiant appearance.

Our Philosophy

Gentle Cleaning, Natural Beauty: We rely on natural and gentle ingredients that effectively free your skin from impurities without stripping its moisture. Our products are free from harsh chemicals, placing quality and sustainability at the forefront.

Our Product Range

  • Cleaning Gels: Gentle formulas that remove dirt and excess oil without drying out the skin.
  • Makeup Removers: Effective solutions that gently remove even waterproof makeup.
  • Facial Toners: Clarifying products that refine the complexion and prepare the skin for subsequent care.
  • Scrubs: Formulations that remove dead skin cells and make the skin smooth and soft.
  • And much more!

Personalized Consultation

We know that every skin is unique. That's why we offer personalized consultation by our experts to help you choose the optimal cleansing products for your skin type and needs.

Quality and Safety

Your skin health is our priority. We exclusively carry products from renowned brands known for their effectiveness and safety. Our strict quality controls ensure that you receive the best possible care.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do you have questions about our facial cleansing products? Our FAQ section provides comprehensive answers and supports you in making informed decisions for your skincare.

Discover Cannadusa

Discover our carefully selected products and experience how effective facial cleansing lays the foundation for radiant skin. Trust Cannadusa as your partner for high-quality facial cleansing products and step into a world where your skin health and beauty are the top priorities.

We warmly invite you to explore our range and find the ideal care for your skin at Cannadusa. Shop your favorite products online today.


Availability: 10 item(s)
(Including tax)
Die winzigen Perlen des Rizinusöls   sind ein sehr feines Schleifmittel und ein natürlicher Stoff, der sowohl die Haut als auch die Umwelt schont. Das Haselnuss-Peeling enthält seltene   blaue Tonerde , die die Haut tief reinigt und Akne reduziert. Feuchtigkeitsspendend wie eine...
Availability: 10 item(s)
2995  2495 
(Including tax)
Der blaue Balsam, der mit Antioxidantien, Vitaminen und wohltuenden Pflanzenextrakten angereichert ist, mindert sofort die Auswirkungen von Stress und Schlafmangel, glättet feine Fältchen und fördert einen gesunden Hautfilm. Dermatologisch getestet. Das Produkt ist für empfindliche Haut...
Availability: 10 item(s)
(Including tax)
Regenerierende Reinigungsmaske für alle Hauttypen. Beschreibung des Produkts:     Verleiht der Haut hohe Elastizität, Aufhellung und perfektes Aussehen.     Reinigt die Haut und befreit sie von überschüssigem Talg     Spendet Feuchtigkeit und nährt     Vermeiden Sie beim Auftragen die...
BrandCannabellum ohne AlkoholJa
Availability: 10 item(s)
(Including tax)
Das sanfte, aber wirksame Cannabellum Micellar Water entfernt Make-up und befreit die Haut sanft von Unreinheiten. Beschreibung des Produkts: Es beseitigt alle Unreinheiten auf der Haut nach einem anstrengenden Tag. Es ist sehr sanft und beschwert die Haut nicht, dank seiner CBD-Inhaltsstoffe...
BrandCannabellum ohne AlkoholJa
Availability: 10 item(s)
(Including tax)
Availability: 10 item(s)
(Including tax)
Availability: 10 item(s)
(Including tax)
Availability: 10 item(s)
(Including tax)
Availability: 10 item(s)
2995  2495 
(Including tax)