Vegetable seedsProducts found: 46

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Vegetable Seeds – Cultivate a Thriving and Productive Garden

Growing your own vegetables from seed is a rewarding and sustainable way to ensure a fresh supply of produce. Our selection of vegetable seeds offers a wide variety of options suitable for different climates, growing conditions, and personal tastes. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a beginner, our high-quality vegetable seeds will help you cultivate a thriving and productive garden.

Leafy Green Seeds

Leafy greens are nutritious and easy to grow, making them a staple in many home gardens. These seeds are perfect for adding a fresh and healthy touch to your meals.


  • Nutritious: Rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
  • Fast Growing: Quick to germinate and mature.
  • Versatile: Suitable for salads, smoothies, and cooking.
  • Popular Varieties: Spinach, Kale, Lettuce, and Swiss Chard.

Root Vegetable Seeds

Root vegetables are hardy and can be stored for long periods, making them a great addition to any garden. These seeds produce robust and flavorful roots.


  • Hardy: Tolerant of various growing conditions.
  • Storage: Can be stored for long periods after harvest.
  • Flavorful: Adds depth and flavor to meals.
  • Popular Varieties: Carrots, Beets, Radishes, and Turnips.

Legume Seeds

Legumes are excellent for soil health and provide a good source of protein. These seeds are easy to grow and can be harvested for fresh or dried beans and peas.


  • Protein-Rich: High in protein and fiber.
  • Soil Health: Improves soil fertility by fixing nitrogen.
  • Versatile: Can be eaten fresh or dried.
  • Popular Varieties: Green Beans, Peas, Lentils, and Chickpeas.

Fruit Vegetable Seeds

Fruit vegetables, such as tomatoes and peppers, are popular in home gardens for their delicious flavors and versatility in cooking. These seeds produce abundant and flavorful fruits.


  • Flavorful: Provides delicious and versatile fruits.
  • High Yield: Produces abundant harvests.
  • Versatile: Suitable for a variety of dishes.
  • Popular Varieties: Tomatoes, Bell Peppers, Cucumbers, and Zucchini.

Brassica Seeds

Brassicas, such as broccoli and cabbage, are cool-season crops that are packed with nutrients. These seeds are perfect for fall and spring gardening.


  • Nutritious: Rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Cool-Season: Thrives in cooler temperatures.
  • Versatile: Can be used in various culinary applications.
  • Popular Varieties: Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, and Brussels Sprouts.

Key Points


  • Variety: Wide selection of leafy greens, root vegetables, legumes, fruit vegetables, and brassicas.
  • High Quality: Premium seeds sourced from reputable suppliers.
  • Adaptability: Suitable for various growing conditions and climates.
  • Ease of Growth: Options for both beginners and experienced gardeners.
  • Nutritional Benefits: Provides fresh and nutritious produce.


  • Sustainable Gardening: Allows you to grow your own vegetables and reduce reliance on store-bought produce.
  • Health Benefits: Offers a source of fresh and nutritious vegetables.
  • Garden Variety: Enhances garden diversity with a wide range of vegetables.
  • Flavorful Meals: Provides fresh ingredients for delicious and healthy cooking.


  • Reliable Growth: High germination rates and robust plants.
  • Seasonal Harvest: Offers fresh vegetables throughout the growing season.
  • Health Benefits: Provides vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
  • Garden Variety: Enhances garden diversity with a wide range of species.
  • Ease of Cultivation: Simple to grow with clear instructions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are the benefits of growing your own vegetables? Growing your own vegetables provides fresh and nutritious produce, enhances garden biodiversity, reduces reliance on store-bought products, and offers a rewarding gardening experience.

How do I plant vegetable seeds? Prepare the soil by removing weeds and loosening the top layer. Sow the seeds according to the instructions on the packet, covering them lightly with soil. Water regularly until the plants are established.

What types of vegetables can I grow from seeds? You can grow a variety of vegetables from seeds, including leafy greens (Spinach, Kale), root vegetables (Carrots, Beets), legumes (Green Beans, Peas), fruit vegetables (Tomatoes, Peppers), and brassicas (Broccoli, Cabbage).

How do I care for my vegetable plants? Provide your vegetable plants with adequate water, sunlight, and nutrients. Monitor for pests and diseases, and use organic or chemical treatments as necessary. Regularly harvest the vegetables to encourage continuous production.

Can I grow vegetables in containers? Yes, many vegetables can be successfully grown in containers. Choose the appropriate size container for the vegetable, use high-quality potting soil, and ensure proper drainage.

Benefits of Shopping on Our Marketplace

Our marketplace offers a comprehensive selection of high-quality vegetable seeds from various professional and experienced suppliers. Benefit from the expertise of our suppliers, attractive terms, and the ability to choose products based on customer reviews.

Benefits at a Glance:

  • Extensive Selection: Wide range of vegetable seeds to suit various needs and preferences.
  • Expert Advice: Support from experienced professionals.
  • Attractive Terms: Competitive prices and exclusive offers.
  • Customer Reviews: Informed purchasing decisions through other customers' reviews.
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BrandThe Cultivators Greenstore GmbH Country of originDeutschland
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Availability: 10 item(s)
390  312 
(Including tax)
Großfrüchtige, ertragsstarke Aubergine in klassischem Lila.
BrandThe Cultivators Greenstore GmbH Country of originDeutschland
Availability: 1 item(s)
390  195 
(Including tax)
Tomatillo mit süß-sauren großen Früchten für eine vielseitige Verwendung.
BrandThe Cultivators Greenstore GmbH Country of originDeutschland
Availability: 3 item(s)
490  245 
(Including tax)
Sehr gesunde Salatgurke in klassischem Grün. Ideal für den extensiven Freilandanbau.
BrandThe Cultivators Greenstore GmbH Country of originDeutschland
Availability: 10 item(s)
490  245 
(Including tax)
Eher geringwüchsige Gurke, die sich besonders für die Kultur im Kübel/Hochbeet etc. eignet.
BrandThe Cultivators Greenstore GmbH Country of originDeutschland
Availability: 5 item(s)
390  195 
(Including tax)
Alte Sorte mit vielen runden, herrlich erfrischenden, zitronengelben Früchten.
BrandThe Cultivators Greenstore GmbH Country of originDeutschland
Availability: 11 item(s)
290  145 
(Including tax)
Hervorragender Speisekürbis mit orangefarbenem, festem, aromatischem Fruchtfleisch.
BrandThe Cultivators Greenstore GmbH Country of originDeutschland
Availability: 7 item(s)
290  145 
(Including tax)
Frühreife, traditionelle Zucchini mit langen, grün gestreiften Früchten.
BrandThe Cultivators Greenstore GmbH Country of originDeutschland
Availability: 8 item(s)
290  145 
(Including tax)
Hellgrüner Kopfsalat mit zarten, fest geschichteten Blättern und starkem Buttercharakter für den Frühjahrs- und Überwinterungsanbau.
BrandThe Cultivators Greenstore GmbH Country of originDeutschland
Availability: 3 item(s)
290  232 
(Including tax)
Spätschießender Schnittsalat mit langer Ernteperiode.
BrandThe Cultivators Greenstore GmbH Country of originDeutschland
Availability: 13 item(s)
390  195 
(Including tax)
Traditionelle, samenfeste Zuckermaissorte zum Kochen, Braten, Grillen oder roh Essen.
BrandThe Cultivators Greenstore GmbH Country of originDeutschland
Availability: 13 item(s)
390  195 
(Including tax)
Sehr süße Zuckermaissorte gezüchtet für den ökologischen Anbau.
BrandThe Cultivators Greenstore GmbH Country of originDeutschland
Availability: 7 item(s)
390  195 
(Including tax)
Eher kleinwüchsiger Popcornmais mit fast schwarzen Kolben und gutem, nussigem Geschmack.
BrandThe Cultivators Greenstore GmbH Country of originDeutschland
Availability: 9 item(s)
390  195 
(Including tax)
Eher kleinwüchsiger Popcornmais mit weiß-gelblichen Kolben, die einer Bärentatze ähneln.
BrandThe Cultivators Greenstore GmbH Country of originDeutschland
Availability: 7 item(s)
290  145 
(Including tax)
Würziger, vielseitiger Sellerie als Suppengewürz und Gemüse.
BrandThe Cultivators Greenstore GmbH Country of originDeutschland
Availability: 8 item(s)
290  232 
(Including tax)
Besonders anspruchslose Pastinake für den Anbau auf flachgründigen oder lehmigen Böden.
BrandThe Cultivators Greenstore GmbH GTIN / EAN4260522170865
Availability: 1 item(s)
290  145 
(Including tax)
Blaublühende, aufrecht wachsende Linse mit kleinen, schwarzen Samen.
BrandThe Cultivators Greenstore GmbH Country of originDeutschland
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