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Soil Nutrients – Essential Nutrition for Soil-Grown Plants

Soil nutrients are formulated to work with the natural composition and microbiome of soil, providing a balanced mix of macronutrients and micronutrients that support healthy plant growth. Our selection of soil nutrients includes high-quality products designed to enhance soil fertility, improve plant health, and promote robust growth. Whether you are growing cannabis, vegetables, flowers, or herbs, our soil nutrients will ensure your plants receive the essential elements they need to thrive.

Organic Soil Nutrients

Organic soil nutrients are made from natural sources and are free from synthetic chemicals. These nutrients improve soil health and support sustainable growing practices, producing healthier plants with better flavor and aroma.


  • Natural Ingredients: Free from synthetic chemicals.
  • Soil Health: Enhances soil structure and fertility.
  • Sustainable: Supports environmentally friendly growing practices.
  • Popular Brands: BioBizz Bio-Grow, Earth Juice Grow, Dr. Earth Home Grown.

Slow-Release Fertilizers

Slow-release fertilizers provide a steady supply of nutrients over an extended period. These fertilizers are ideal for maintaining consistent nutrition without frequent applications.


  • Long-Lasting: Provides a steady supply of nutrients.
  • Consistent Nutrition: Reduces the need for frequent fertilization.
  • Convenient: Easy to use and apply.
  • Popular Brands: Osmocote Smart-Release, Jobe’s Organics, Miracle-Gro Shake 'n Feed.

Liquid Soil Nutrients

Liquid soil nutrients are fast-acting and provide immediate benefits to plants. These nutrients are easy to apply and are quickly absorbed by the roots, promoting rapid growth and development.


  • Fast-Acting: Provides immediate nutrient benefits.
  • Easy Application: Simple to apply with water.
  • High Absorption: Quickly absorbed by plant roots.
  • Popular Brands: General Organics BioThrive, FoxFarm Big Bloom, Advanced Nutrients Iguana Juice Grow.

Granular Soil Nutrients

Granular soil nutrients are easy to spread and provide a balanced supply of essential elements. These nutrients improve soil texture and fertility, supporting healthy plant growth.


  • Easy to Use: Simple to spread and mix with soil.
  • Balanced Nutrition: Provides a comprehensive mix of nutrients.
  • Soil Improvement: Enhances soil texture and fertility.
  • Popular Brands: Down To Earth All Natural, Espoma Garden Tone, Dr. Earth Pure Gold.

Key Points


  • Comprehensive Selection: Wide range of organic, slow-release, liquid, and granular soil nutrients.
  • High Quality: Premium products from reputable brands.
  • Balanced Nutrition: Ensures plants receive essential elements for all growth stages.
  • Easy to Use: Clear instructions for application and dosage.
  • Enhanced Soil Health: Supports soil structure, fertility, and microbial activity.


  • Optimal Growth: Provides essential nutrients for healthy and robust plant development.
  • Increased Yield: Enhances flower and fruit production.
  • Nutrient Efficiency: Ensures plants can absorb and utilize nutrients effectively.
  • Soil Health: Improves soil structure and fertility for long-term benefits.
  • Sustainable Practices: Supports organic and environmentally friendly growing methods.


  • Reliable Performance: High-quality soil nutrients for consistent results.
  • Healthy Plants: Promotes vigorous growth and resilience.
  • Improved Yields: Maximizes the potential of your plants.
  • Ease of Use: Simple application with clear instructions.
  • Environmental Benefits: Many products support sustainable cultivation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are soil nutrients and why are they important? Soil nutrients provide essential elements needed for the healthy growth and development of plants. They are crucial for optimizing nutrient uptake and ensuring balanced plant nutrition in soil environments.

How do organic soil nutrients benefit plants? Organic soil nutrients are made from natural sources and improve soil health, support sustainable growing practices, and produce healthier plants with better flavor and aroma.

What is the advantage of slow-release fertilizers? Slow-release fertilizers provide a steady supply of nutrients over an extended period, reducing the need for frequent applications and ensuring consistent nutrition for plants.

How do liquid soil nutrients differ from granular nutrients? Liquid soil nutrients are fast-acting and provide immediate benefits to plants, while granular nutrients are easy to spread, improve soil texture, and provide a balanced supply of essential elements.

Can I use soil nutrients for all types of plants? Yes, soil nutrients are suitable for various plant types, including cannabis, vegetables, flowers, and herbs. Choose the specific formulation tailored to your plants' needs for best results.

How do I apply soil nutrients? Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the correct dosage and application method. Soil nutrients can be applied through mixing with soil, watering, or spreading on the soil surface.

Benefits of Shopping on Our Marketplace

Our marketplace offers a comprehensive selection of high-quality soil nutrients from various professional and experienced suppliers. Benefit from the expertise of our suppliers, attractive terms, and the ability to choose products based on customer reviews.

Benefits at a Glance:

  • Extensive Selection: Wide range of soil nutrients to suit various needs and preferences.
  • Expert Advice: Support from experienced professionals.
  • Attractive Terms: Competitive prices and exclusive offers.
  • Customer Reviews: Informed purchasing decisions through other customers' reviews.
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