Cannabis Sativa L.

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Jack Herer, a top Sativa hybrid, offers an energizing, euphoric high with hints of lime and an incense aroma. Known for its quality and award-winning flavor, it thrives indoors and out, rewarding skilled growers with impressive results.
BrandTrikoma Seeds Country of originSpain
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Lennon by Pyramid Seeds has a THC level of 21-26%. Its lemon flavor and incense aroma are its main hallmarks.
BrandPyramidseeds Country of originSpain
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Nefertiti has a slight Haze flavor that ends up being sweet. It has won various awards, including first place in hydroponics in 2007 under the name "Black Hemp", second in the Catalonia Cup 2008, and third in the hashish category at the Catalonia Cup 2010.
BrandPyramidseeds Country of originSpain
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Ramses from Pyramid Seeds has a THC level of 23-26% and its effects are primarily long-lasting psychoactive stimulants.
BrandPyramidseeds Country of originSpain
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Kryptonite from Pyramid Seeds is a feminized phenotype cultivated in the Sierra de Granada. It has narcotic effects on both the physical and cerebral levels.
BrandPyramidseeds Country of originSpain
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New York City  by Pyramid Seeds is a plant with a THC level of 18-20%, featuring a citrus flavor and aroma.
BrandPyramidseeds Country of originSpain
Laughing Buddah Steckling
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3499  1999 
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1 Stk (0.00 € per 0 Stk)
Der Duft von Laughing Buddha ist ebenso faszinierend wie ihr Aussehen. Mit einem süßen, fruchtigen Aroma, das an exotische Früchte und Zitrusfrüchte erinnert, fesselt sie die Sinne und bietet ein reiches, befriedigendes Raucherlebnis. Einmal entzündet, entfaltet sich ein intensiver, angenehmer Rauch, der den Raum erfüllt und Vorfreude auf die kommende Wirkung weckt.
BrandSteckling24 Country of originDeutschland
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Lassen Sie sich von den exquisiten Euphoria CBD Blüten Gold Avicenna verzaubern, einem wahren Meisterwerk für Kenner und Sammler. Diese einzigartigen Breitspektrum-CBD-Blüten sind ein reines Naturprodukt aus 100% Cannabis Sativa L., das in seiner Schönheit und Qualität unübertroffen ist. Mit...
THC content< = 0,2 % Type of cultivationOutdoor cultivation
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THC content< = 0,2 % Type of cultivationOutdoor cultivation
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Climate zone
Flowering Stage
Indica / Sativa
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