EMIKO believes in the division of labor between humans and nature. With effective microorganisms (EM), the company supports natural cycles often disrupted by human intervention. Developed in Wilden, Austria, EMIKO promotes sustainable and eco-friendly solutions for farmers and hobby gardeners with over 15 years of experience.

Product Features

  • Variety: Effective microorganisms, soil enhancers, and biostimulants.
  • Quality: High production standards and sustainable solutions.
  • Cultivation Suitability: Suitable for various cultivation systems.

Purpose and Benefits

  • Sustainable Cultivation: Promotes ecological agriculture.
  • Yield Increase: Optimizes soil fertility.
  • Natural Cycles: Supports the restoration of natural processes.

Key Points

  • Product Selection: Choose products based on your cultivation system.
  • Application: Follow the application instructions for best results.
  • Sustainability: Supports eco-friendly cultivation practices.


  • What makes EMIKO products special?
    EMIKO uses effective microorganisms to support natural cycles and promote sustainable cultivation practices.

  • How do I choose the right products?
    Consider the specific needs of your plants and cultivation systems.

  • Are these products environmentally friendly?
    Yes, EMIKO places great emphasis on sustainability and the promotion of natural processes.

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